Friday 15 June 2012

Be - Do - Have

Ok, so this one isn't mine but it's perfectly valid. In life we sometimes look at successful people and wish we were in a similar position. By successful, I don't necessarily mean rich or famous, just people who are at the top of their game in life and are exactly where they want to be.

We sometimes wish to have the things they have, do the things they do, and to a point be the type of person that they are. So the theory dictates, that this is why we do not. Truth is, to achieve this we must first BE the person we want to be, and DO the things that person would do, and only then can we HAVE what that person would have. To do otherwise would be putting the cart before the horse.

So if I want to HAVE a life less ordinary, I have to DO less ordinary things by first BEING the type of person who, as I have a quite ordinary life, is different to me.

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