Thursday 8 January 2015

Freedom of Speech

I grew up in a generation where everyone's grandparents had been part of the war effort. My Nan machined ammunition and both of my grandads fought in the war. I remember being told many times that this has been for our freedoms and the term 'freedom of speech' was bandied around a lot.

It's sad then now that we live in a time where a country like North Korea can try and dictate what films can be made and distributed, terrorists attack publishers and scare others into censorship but sadder is that the large organisations with the most clout and power seem to buckle and cower before the people on the street do. When events like this occur you MUST publish perhaps with even greater gusto to emphasise that they have will not be allowed to win.

More bizarrely is that we are increasingly being gagged by our own Government where people are have to be careful over their use of social media for fear of upsetting or offending people with their Tweets or status updates for fear of legal retribution.

Freedom of Speech means you will always be liable to offend someone. It also means you have to be prepared to let other speak freely whether you like or agree with them.

A quick note from your sponsor...

As every one jumps on the fitness bandwagon and starts signing up for events, a polite note regarding sponsorship requests. My chosen charities are NSPCC, Alzheimer's Society, Parkinson's UK, and The RNOH Charity . Like many I have leant towards those that I have a connection with. Where possible I have tried to support these by way of monthly direct debit as I believe this is most beneficial to them. In the past I have cancelled some of my direct debits and instead sponsored individuals as I felt bad turning them down and think it important to encourage people to support charities but cannot afford to do both. This of course has meant that I am supporting your chosen charities and not mine. By all means ask but please don't be offended if I decline your request.

Note:  I will be more inclined to sponsor events that pose a real physical or mental challenge e.g. NOT a 5k fun run.

P.S. and please whatever you do don't ask me to sponsor you so you can fulfill some bucket list item under the guise of charity, like a parachute jump. If you want to do a parachute jump pay for the cost of it yourself and put all sponsorship money to the charity (as well as your donation) instead of funding it out of the sponsorship money!